Lady Behind
Ludovica Theressia Jessica Andriani.
Dreamer and Debater.
Owned by AF.
Passionate lady.
Bonjour, Love?
Bonjour simply means Good Morning in French.
It reflects spirit, God's favor and happiness.
Love, because love should be spread to the whole world.
Just be happy cause You Only Live Once!
instadaily: jessicandriani
Speak Up
uuh. stlah brsusa payah , slese jg gw ngedit ni blog. hwhw .
prang dgin ma si javon lerian masih berlanjut.
z z =___=
sbnrny si gw bosen jga brantem n diem"an ma dia . tpi y gtu dhe.
xD ~
abies gnti template blog, akirny gw xmxan ma calvin. impressiva skalii , dy mala belain gua saad kasus javon .
gua kira dia bkaln nylahin gw . tp dy mala blg : wew , gila thu anak . pke" bhasa keg gtuu . dah gilak kali yaph .
haha dasar . tengs yapp vin .
dgan ajaibny gysel epi dll yg gua sms gada yg bles satupun. apakah uda tepar? gtaw dha gua.
uuh , gila mid smester jdwalny gga bner iah .
nih liad, hari kamis kmaren : fisika geografi
fisika ny tnyta gg susa" bgd . optimis lha dped skbm . x)
geo ny lmyan . bysa" ajh c .
trus keesokan hariny yaitu jumad , lgsung eko sama sjarah .
what ? apalan 22nya . gila , sjrh gw masi mending . lah eko ? --"
trus sabtu minggu senen libur .
selasa ny mid gampang . BI am agama .
z z -____-
akirny weekend gua dhabiskn dgan main internet mulu .
haha .
anw , tengs yap bwad smua yg uda bantuin gua nglupain kta"ny si javon .
i love u so friendss .
akir"ini gw ngrasa , di klas gw smakin byk yg mengubah gaya rambut dan poni .
wkwk , pda poni rata smua . buseed , terpana gw *terpana ? bhsa guaa wkwk*
knapa orang itu bisa susah tidur ya ?
z z , pgen bgt rsa ny tdur pagian tpi susa .
pdhal gw klo dbgunin susa . kwkw anehh .
uahh , ayolah mid cped kelar , mrdeka gua . xD ~
wkowkowk ~
ntah npa , gw ngrasa minder ada di lingkaran MinisterJustice
gilaa , kyny klo dbndgin ma mreka thu gw gada ap" ny .
gw gbisa gabung ma ank" MJ .
krna gw ngrsa gw gg pntes ad di lingkaran mreka .
what should i do ? T______T ~
gw gbisa bergokil ria keg pas di uxd ~
omaigat , miss u so damn unexposed ~
Label: friends, life
"finally" was Posted On: 8.3.09 @00.34 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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little sneak-peaks

She's not so ordinary highschool student, living her juicy yet interesting life. Optimist, active, and flexible.
You will find her talks a lot, laugh more, and smile. Love parliamentary debate, writing and dancing.
Unpredictably bookworm&party animal. Totally one unique combination in a million.
God's little girl.
You just have to keep reading to know more about me, click around!
Can't ride a bike.
Can't swim.
Can't sleep in a dark room.
Can't eat spicy foods.
Speak English fluently.
Have a high curiosity toward bungee jumping (!!!!)
Dangerously friendly.
I kiss better than I cook, and I'm a great cook.
Full time lover :)
into social network(s)
love of my life
Classmates; 7A, 8E, 9D.
C3; Grace, Gysella, Inez, Karina.
Audition; Rendy, Javon, Epi, Lingga, Vani, dll.
#Pecinqtreize - Angkatan 13 SMPK 5 BPK Penabur Jakarta.
X-1 SMA Xaverius, my first friends here.
OSIS 2011-2012 SMA Xaverius, love-life-laugh.
Heriyanto, the one who introduce debating to me.
Social One Rocks, XI-XII IPS 1 SMA Xaverius, insane babies.
Debatopia all over Indonesia.
Xaverius English Club, the place where I open my eyes and see.
My big family.
Jessica Citra Hardika.
Papa, Mama, Cecilia Tiara.
Thankyou guys, thanks a lot.
photo of the moment:
(October 28'12)► I Hate Distance, Long Distance Friendship, and Relationship.
I miss them.
Layout by TeaCakeHouse
Banner also made my TeaCakeHouse, layout submitted on Blogskins. Icon from TFN and blockqoute image from CKR. This blog is hosted on Blogspot. Everything else on the blog belongs to the blog owner unless stated otherwise. Thank you!