Lady Behind
Ludovica Theressia Jessica Andriani.
Dreamer and Debater.
Owned by AF.
Passionate lady.
Bonjour, Love?
Bonjour simply means Good Morning in French.
It reflects spirit, God's favor and happiness.
Love, because love should be spread to the whole world.
Just be happy cause You Only Live Once!
instadaily: jessicandriani
Speak Up
hahah .hari ni gw k gdg breng inez aline am cowony aline .wkwk , ad cosu di fhub .gila makan dbayarin , crepes dbyrin . gw kluar duid dkid bner hr ni . XD ~abis misah dri inez aline meldy , gw jalan ma adid . hahah . A___Agile , dtraktir sushi tei , dbyrin nton . gratis day dah ! =]oia , gw beli kotak pensil yg kmbaran ma inez loh . krens loh loh .gw jg bli buku breaking down alias lanjutanny twilight . sampe skrg gw bru baca mpe hal 129 .hhags ~gw nton red cliff 2 .keren keren !aplg gratis =phei , jgn mkir yg mcem" ttg adit . dy tuh kko gw . hhaha . A___A ~
"" was Posted On: 31.1.09 @18.41 | 0 lovely comments ✿
eyaa , gw ngarasaa , ad harapan bwt gw sma si cheesecake. gw ngrasa dy balik lagi kaya dulu !yeah . dy blg dy smpt down gara" si A . trus skrg dy dah gg mkrin lg . he's back .* h a p p y di chat dah mulai crewed . iaap i'm lovin it !
gw snengss bgd . tpi knp klo d skola cuek ia ?
brb bnunh . hoho . tpi yg jlas cheesecake jdi care n bae bgd . knpa ia ? apakah ad motif tersembunyi d blkgny ? *cie elah*
can i be a friend again with him ? hope .
smoga ni bkn harapan kosongg kyag sblon"ny . nyte ~ want to offline .
"" was Posted On: 30.1.09 @21.38 | 0 lovely comments ✿
anjrit .so drop dead gorgeous .gila . tadi ad ank" kls 9 yg mu fto bwt yerbuk . astaga .okok . gw ngaku lah gw emg lom bsa lupain cheesecake .yg gw bnun , kug di xmx bae bgt . di skola cuek bgt ia ?-confused-
"" was Posted On: 29.1.09 @19.58 | 0 lovely comments ✿
r u my besties ?
aneh .slama ni yg gw anggep tmen tuh , nganggep wg tmen gg si ?prasaan gw trus yg djadiin tumbal aka korban .klo kdg" si gw msi bsa sbar . tpi lma" ksel jg .mreka pkir gw gg pny hati ? gg pny prasaan ?yg bsa dktain seenakny ?dah cukup y !gw dah g than lgi .klo gw yg mara gg da yg pduli . gliran yg laen ?ini yg nmany besties ?=="bad day .
"r u my besties ?" was Posted @19.43 | 0 lovely comments ✿
huee .
sori lama gk ngepost .
mles syndrom . xD ~
ahhh .
gga twuu mo ngpost ap .
hri ni bysa" ajjaa .
pel 1 + 2 = komputer
insiden = ngerjain tugas sndirii krna israel ma ines . gga tllu jleg" bgd cy .]
pel 3 = native
insiden = nyanyi cicak" on the wall . maen games . dceng"in lgy . =="
pel 4 = bio
insiden = CUIH ! ngbrol dkid sala . balikin pensil diomelin . GG ~
pel 5 + 6 = or
insiden = gga ad c sbtoo . maen" PJB *petak jngkok bntng* , baskett *mala lari" geje* , trus duduk di tngh lpangn smntr co" maen bola xD ~
pel 7 + 8 = mandarin
insiden = ulangann . gga susa" bgd . A__A ~
ekskul = dance
insiden = bikin grakan bwt fun with biology . XD -
huaaah . nothing special .
kcuali pas gw daa smpe ruma , rndi ma hadi tlponn .
invisetigasiii mode on !
astajimsss . ==a
"==" was Posted On: 28.1.09 @21.10 | 0 lovely comments ✿
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little sneak-peaks

She's not so ordinary highschool student, living her juicy yet interesting life. Optimist, active, and flexible.
You will find her talks a lot, laugh more, and smile. Love parliamentary debate, writing and dancing.
Unpredictably bookworm&party animal. Totally one unique combination in a million.
God's little girl.
You just have to keep reading to know more about me, click around!
Can't ride a bike.
Can't swim.
Can't sleep in a dark room.
Can't eat spicy foods.
Speak English fluently.
Have a high curiosity toward bungee jumping (!!!!)
Dangerously friendly.
I kiss better than I cook, and I'm a great cook.
Full time lover :)
into social network(s)
love of my life
Classmates; 7A, 8E, 9D.
C3; Grace, Gysella, Inez, Karina.
Audition; Rendy, Javon, Epi, Lingga, Vani, dll.
#Pecinqtreize - Angkatan 13 SMPK 5 BPK Penabur Jakarta.
X-1 SMA Xaverius, my first friends here.
OSIS 2011-2012 SMA Xaverius, love-life-laugh.
Heriyanto, the one who introduce debating to me.
Social One Rocks, XI-XII IPS 1 SMA Xaverius, insane babies.
Debatopia all over Indonesia.
Xaverius English Club, the place where I open my eyes and see.
My big family.
Jessica Citra Hardika.
Papa, Mama, Cecilia Tiara.
Thankyou guys, thanks a lot.
photo of the moment:
(October 28'12)► I Hate Distance, Long Distance Friendship, and Relationship.
I miss them.
Layout by TeaCakeHouse
Banner also made my TeaCakeHouse, layout submitted on Blogskins. Icon from TFN and blockqoute image from CKR. This blog is hosted on Blogspot. Everything else on the blog belongs to the blog owner unless stated otherwise. Thank you!